March 31, 2013

Grand Isle, Louisiana (Week Four)


We are still here on Grand Isle and continuing to enjoy our stay. The people are so friendly. Jerry has had a couple of fires that other campers have attended, and they solved all the problems of the world, too.

This morning we attended the Easter Sunrise Service on the back deck of Artie's Bar. We learned about it from the local newspaper. Guess you have to be a local to know where Artie's Bar is as the ad in the paper didn't give an address. Two other couples from the RV park also attended. One couple is from Wisconsin and the other one is from Duluth, Minnesota. 

People starting to gather on the back deck of Artie's Bar
that looks out over the Gulf,
waiting for the service to begin.

Looking out over the Gulf from Artie's Bar
this morning as the sun is rising on this Easter Day.

Then, when we arrived back at the coach, we found some Easter eggs underneath our steps -- put there by the owner's 12 year old grandson who has been visiting them all week. They went out fishing earlier this week a couple of times. Poor little guy, he said his arm was sore. No wonder! Three boats went out and they returned with 900 pounds of fish. I can't even comprehend that!

Eggs under our coach this morning.

Then, another camper from Switzerland brought over some genuine Swiss chocolates. They were delicious. And Jerry prepared his deviled eggs for all the campers in the park.

Jerry with his deviled eggs.

Earlier this week, we drove out to Elmer's Island again. We saw numerous pelicans diving into the water for fish. Here is a picture that I took and a video that Jerry took.

I had on my wide angle lens, so the pelicans seem 
a bit far away. But, check out Jerry's video below.
The video also includes clips of other footage Jerry
took on this island.

If the weather cooperates, we will start up the RV tomorrow and head off of the island for other adventures. We will miss this place and hope to make it back here again sometime.

Have a great Easter week, everyone!

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