December 23, 2012

Cocoa, Delray, and Layton, Florida

Yes, we have moved three times this week. We first stopped at Cocoa Beach, Florida, and drove around the Cape Canaveral and Kennedy Space Center areas. Didn't really take the time to actually visit the sites. The weather was too hot for us.

Parked at the Sonrise Palms 
Christian RV Park in Cocoa, Florida.
We stayed there for three days.

From there, we headed on down the coast to Delray, Florida, for two specific reasons: to meet up with my first cousin, Frank, and his wife, Lee, and so that Jerry could attend a Toastmaster's meeting and catch up with the editor of his latest book that is about to be published. 

Before we get into those events, we have to say something about what we think of Florida and its people thus far. After the first few days in which it was very humid and hot, the weather has maintained  in the 70s, with a slight breeze, lower humidity and just lovely. No more dead leaves on the ground. Everything is so very green and well kept. As for the people -- let's just say that, in general, they lack the warm hospitality of Californians. It was a bit of a shock at first, but we are getting used to dealing with them. (I won't go into details.) Of course, this does not apply to the specific people we came here to meet -- only to strangers.

We met up with Frank and Lee at a local coffee shop, Gizzie's Coffee, that Frank likes. No wonder -- the coffee shop roasts its own beans and the drinks easily matched those of the Cambria Coffee Roasting Company, which we previously owned. We had a fun time visiting with Frank and Lee. 

Lee and Frank

Because it was our 38th wedding anniversary on December 20th, we thought that we would celebrate it by seeing Jersey Boys in Palm Beach. Frank warned us that there was a strike going on and that we may not be able to see the show. Sure enough -- the show was cancelled. Bummer! But, we had a nice day visiting Palm Beach, 20 miles north of Delray.

Palm Beach, Florida

Interesting tree in Palm Beach, Florida

Yesterday, we headed down the Florida Keys, a string of islands at the tip of Florida dividing the Atlantic Ocean from the Gulf of Mexico. We are now at the Fiesta Key RV Resort in Layton, Florida -- an island located about 40% down the Keys, where we will be for Christmas.

 The Gulf of Mexico. I took the picture out
of the window of the RV as we were
going over one of the many bridges
connecting the various islands.

Last bridge to the island where the RV park is
located (you can see the RV park off to the right
on the island).

What is so interesting is the various colors of the waters. The water on the right (green) is the Gulf of Mexico and the water on the left (blue) is the Atlantic Ocean. Our motorhome is parked 25 feet from the water and I could hear the water splashing on the shore all night long. Just wonderful. We have been all over this United States and this is one of the first places I can truly say: "I could live here." But, with our family on the West Coast, that can't happen. I'll post more pictures of this beautiful place next time.


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