April 22, 2012

Thackerville, Oklahoma

Finally -- out of the big cities with all of their congestion, traffic, noise and pollution and back into the country.

Photo taken while driving past downtown Houston, Texas.

Photo taken while driving past downtown Dallas, Texas.

Spend Monday and Tuesday at Taylor Automotive Repair in Houston to get our in-dash air conditioning system working again. Seems like the guys in San Luis Obispo who fixed it in January didn't do a good job. They connected a 1/2 inch hose to the 3/4 inch hose we have on the coach. So, when we turned on the air conditioner, the pressure going from the larger piece to the smaller piece blew a hole in the system, draining our Freon. It is now fixed and Jerry is trying to get some of the money back from the first fix that was defective.

We had planned to stop in and visit Jerry's cousin in Sherman, Texas, after leaving Dallas this week. But, when he called the number, the phone was disconnected. On further inquiry, his sister, Linda found out that Bob (his cousin) passed away on April 4. Had this weird feeling all along that something was not right. So sorry we didn't get to see him. 

As we travel, we listen to the local radio stations instead of XM. In the Dallas area (actually, we spent a couple of nights in Plano, Texas, which is close to Dallas), we discovered one of the best classic rock stations we've come across. It is Lonestar 92.5 for those of you who want to check it out on the internet or on your smart phone.

We are now in Oklahoma, just five miles from the Texas border, in a small town called Thackerville, population 400. If this RV park were filled, there'd be more people in the park than in the town.

We will be here for the whole week.

We are looking forward to a relaxing week here - they even have a jacuzzi.

Last night, we were entertained all night long with a Nightengale. Every time I woke up, he was still going strong. I was fascinated with all the different trills and sounds he made. I counted 20 different variations. Quite a treat.

Have a great week, everyone.


Anonymous said...

We love Thackerville too! It's a treat to visit there from Dallas. We visit the Winstar casino twice per year and stay at some private cabins called River Of Love.We will be there next month and I can't wait.

Jerry X Shea said...

Hi Sharon -- good to hear from you again. We will be going to the Winstar on Thursday, and looking forward to that. Safe travels and have fun next month in this area. Mary

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