March 11, 2012

Oceano, California

Yes, we are back at Oceano because we have already used up our 70 days free at the Pismo Coast RV Park. Will be here until Tuesday morning when we head on down the coast, stopping off in Ventura for a few days to have a last look at the Pacific Ocean before getting to Anaheim on Thursday.

Today is the first day of daylight savings time. As if we aren't confused enough already, Jerry set all of the clocks one hour back instead of one hour ahead. Good thing our cell phones and one atomic clock adjusts automatically.

So here is what is new for this past week. I decided to finally make the leap to eating only plant-based foods. Been thinking about it for some time, but didn't know how Jerry would react because food and cooking are such an important part of his life. Not to worry (yet, anyway) as he understood and we have even shopped together for the foods I will eat going forward. I never shop for food (Jerry has always done that), but I actually went out on my own earlier this week.

And, this is what I bought.

Why am I doing this? Because cancer is so prevalent in my family that I decided to become proactive about my health.

On Friday, we had to make a trip to Paso Robles and were able to meet up with Wendy for lunch. She was one of the real estate agents who worked for us when we had the office in Cambria. Pat and Bill joined us because (this is when you know that it a small world) Bill and Wendy knew each other when they attended the same junior high school back in the dark ages.

 Pat, Jerry, Wendy and Bill

So much for giving the camera to the waitress. This time, the camera focused on the wall behind us when the waitress took the picture of all five of us -- and all three pictures that he took were out of focus AGAIN!!! Next time I'll use my cell phone camera instead of the Nikon.

Chanti has pancreatitis again (third time) and is on medication. She seems to be okay but has to take the medication for the next 10 days.

Jerry's backup camera went out on the RV and he searched to find a replacement which was FedEx to us. He installed it yesterday and we are set to pull out of here on Tuesday.

That's all, folks. Have a great week!

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