January 16, 2012

Pismo Beach, California

We are back at what we consider our "home park." We call it that because we spend two month each year at this park -- the Pismo Coast Village RV Resort. It is also our time to "get things done" so that we can spend the rest of the year "on the road."

Sun setting in Pismo (taken with cell phone)

This past week, for example, we spent some time "organizing" our storage bin in Paso Robles. When we left last time, we hauled all the stuff we needed to remove from the house to the storage bin. Let's just say, when we were finished, we couldn't find anything that we wanted or needed. It was so packed in that we couldn't even walk into it without removing tons of stuff.
Not any more. We bought sturdy shelving from Lowes and spend Friday putting the place in order. Now, all of my photos are in one spot -- as are all the dishes and kitchen items, papers we are required to keep, my yarns and knitting books, Jerry's books and business things, etc. You get the picture. We felt good afterwards.
We also have our doctors' appointments scheduled and are in the process of scheduling the maintenance items on the RV.
Didn't take any pictures yet, except with my cell phone while on walks on the beach.

Taken with HTC Rezound cell phone. (Don't know the girl in the picture.)

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