December 17, 2011

Back in Oceano, California

We're back in Oceano! But just for this week. It's great to be in 4G Verizon coverage again. I didn't update the blog last week because of the poor internet reception. That is the trade off. We were isolated in the Santa Barbara mountains where there is nothing but peace and quiet. No lights, no sounds (other than an occasional airplane overhead), no people to speak of. Just nature, horses, hiking trails and a great jacuzzi.

We had to come back to civilization because we were scheduled to see the dentist this week. Don't know if you remember, but we both are having dental implants. This was on Thursday. Jerry didn't need sutures, but I did because my implant is right in the front of my mouth. We survived this round. We also ran up to Cambria this week and picked up our mail, and got a lot of errands accomplished in Cambria, San Luis Obispo and Paso Robles.

So, tomorrow we start heading towards Los Angeles to be with the kids for Christmas. But, before we get there, we will spend a few days on the beach in Ventura, again. I will post pictures of that stay because it is one of our favorite places. And, being within 20-30 feet from the ocean, how can one not take great pictures of the sun going down over the ocean?

Didn't take any pictures of the dunes in Oceano this time. But, here are a couple of pictures of our little Christmas tree in the coach. It sits at the front window.

With Christmas music playing, this works.

Close up of out tree. There are fiber optic strands 
that make the tree change colors at night,

Well -- you get the pictures.

Happy Holidays to the everyone!

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