November 6, 2011

Paso Robles, California

Just noticed that I haven't updated this blog for two weeks. Sorry, guys. But, we really have been busy. We spent the first week getting our house ready to be rented out. Even though we were parked next to the house, we only went into the house to do what we had to do, and then retired back to the RV at night. Every morning, we had a list of 10-15 items to accomplish for that day, from taking more "stuff" to the dump, to the hazardous waste facility, to the goodwill and to storage. We thought that we had really "downsized" when we put the house on the market 18 months ago, but we didn't realize that we still had soooo much to do. We left some furniture items in the house that the new renters said they could use, but basically, the house is now pretty much empty of our "stuff" and the new renters have moved in. We have a new address, too, for receiving our mail.

Then, for the second week, we traveled 26 miles east of Cambria over the hill to Paso Robles for our second week of "work." We are staying at the Paso Robles Wine Country RV Resort.

This RV park is literally in the middle of the Paso Robles wine country.

See wine vineyard in the foreground and the RV park in the background.

Hawk on the fence of the vineyard.

We spent this second week "downsizing" the RV. Downsizing the RV??? Yes, in the last 5 years, we have accumulated more "stuff" in the RV. Funny how life has a way making "stuff" stick to us. This time, we have cleaned out every cabinet, outside bay, cupboard and drawer of the RV of anything we haven't used in the last two years. Now that we finished that job, I think we are ready to relax and continue this life style that we love. 

During the first part of the week, the temperatures were in the 80's. We were able to take time in the evening to enjoy this park's fantastic jacuzzi.

Jacuzzi at the Paso Robles Wine Country RV Resort

We leave here tomorrow and head to Oceano for three weeks. We are hanging around the Central Coast of California until the middle of December because we both have another dentist appointment at that time.

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