September 7, 2011

Redding, California (second time)

Parked at the Redding Premier RV Park

Took this picture out of the window yesterday when we passed through Shasta.

We've stayed a number of times here in Redding, California.  This time, we finally drove over to the Sundial Bridge that we heard about, but never took the time to visit.  The bridge is almost 20 stories tall with 14 cables supporting the bridge.  No part of the bridge touches the water to protect the salmon spawning beds and the translucent deck allows light to reach the water.

The bridge is designed to "flex, sway, expand and contract to absorb changes in the load." 

The front of the bridge.

Gravity keeps the bridge from falling down as the deck and pylon pull on
 one another through the cables.

This is certainly an engineering feat that you must see if you are in this area.

Now, here is the sundial portion of the bridge.

Follow the shadow of the pylon which is pointed straight north.

The white band on the picture is the marker which is set for June 21, 
the Summer Solstice, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

The shadow moves one foot every minute per the information posted.

Here you can see that we took this picture a little before 11:30 a.m.

Located a bike path that runs along the Sacramento River for many many miles that we will certainly try out the next time we are here, weather permitting.

On to Sacramento tomorrow.

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