August 28, 2011

Osprey Point RV Resort in Lakeside, Oregon (second time)

We returned to Osprey Point RV Resort on Monday.  It was suppose to be a five-hour ride, but we took eight hours getting here.  Stopped a number of times along the way.  We were not in a hurry.  We stayed at this resort earlier this summer and I posted a lot of pictures about this scenic place at that time.  We are in the very same spot we were in earlier, with the canal behind us and the lake on another side of us.  It is a really a beautiful spot.

Got to tell you about our new Magellan Roadmate GPS designed with RVers in mind.  If you've never driven a 40 foot or longer RV while towing a van, you may not realize that we cannot make any mistakes in where we are heading.  We can't back up, make sharp U-turns, go down blind alleys where we can't get out, and must at all times know about the clearance of bridges and overheads before we get there.  That's where this particular GPS comes in handy.  Jerry loves it.  And, I love it, too, because now I don't have to navigate with my Maps app on my Android phone which does an excellent job of voice navigating us to where we want to go.  It's all up to Jerry now.  Another benefit, I don't have to remind him that I think he is going too fast because the new GPS does that for me.  He has it set to 5 miles over the speed limit.  So, every time he goes over 5 miles over the speed limit, it will beep and yell "Warning" and I can immediately feel him let up on the pedal.  Life is good!  Oh, and one other thing. We had to laugh at the way the GSP lady says certain words.  Oregon is "O'Reagan" and U. S. is "us."  That happened the first week we had it.  I guess someone told her how to pronounce correctly those words, because she now pronounces them right.

The weather again has been good if a little on the cool side.  Certainly, we are not complaining.  We've been watching on TV the destruction, power outages and damage incurring by Hurricane Irene this weekend.  Our hearts go out to everyone affected by this disaster.  Been talking to my sister, Lavern, everyday.  She lives in upper PA, which was right in the middle of the hurricane's path.  So far, she reports that there is lots of wind, changing directions constantly.  They are out of power, have just a bit of water in their basement, and their pond has risen.  She even saw the bear on the property run as fast as he could past the bird feeder that he usually spends time at and head for the woods.

On Wednesday, we drove into Winchester Bay (where we also stayed earlier this summer) to go back to Kitty's Place.  Remember, that is where we had the great blueberry and rhubarb pies.  I had another piece of blueberry pie and Jerry had the peanut butter cream pie.  Both delicious!

Since I posted pictures last time we were here of this place and of the pies, I'm not repeating them this time.  But, we were looking forward to the Blackberry Festival in Coos Bay this weekend so I could post pictures of it.  And, we went to it yesterday.  What a joke!  Of all the booths at the festival, only one lady was selling anything that involved blackberries.  She was selling a blackberry cobbler that she had obviously made.

After walking the festival area, we took in our first movie in years and saw "The Help."  I had read the book a couple of years earlier and like it.  We enjoyed the movie, and Jerry, especially, remembers what the south was like in the 60s as he was stationed in Meridian, Mississippi.  The movie takes place in Jackson, Mississippi.  Jerry has a story about that place when he was there in the 60s that I won't relate here.

Here are some pictures I took yesterday in Coos Bay.

Blackberry Festival in Coos Bay, Oregon

Coos Bay Boardwalk

Statute on Boardwalk

Close up of words on statute.

We are here until Thursday when we will drive down to Linda (Jerry's sister) and Jamie's place in Grants Pass, Oregon.  We will be spending the holiday weekend with them and looking forward to it.

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