March 17, 2011

Pismo Beach, California


And a Happy Birthday to Tom!

Another beautiful week in Pismo Beach.  The tide has been quite high around here since the earthquake in Japan.  We hear the waves crashing on to the shore during the night.  It's nice!

Taken with cell phone on a walk this week.

This morning, Chanti and I couldn't even walk along the beach because the water had covered the whole beach at one time.  It has now receded, but the remaining water on the beach was such that we couldn't get past it.  Had to turn around and cut our walk short.

The State Park next to the RV park is still not open.

Pismo Beach North Coast State Park (taken with cell phone)

On Saturday, Lou and Carolyn, fellow Cambrians, came to visit us.  They have been researching the RV lifestyle to determine whether or not they should jump into it.  We tried to tell them of our experiences thus far, everything from joining clubs that give us discounts or free stays at their parks to what type of toilet paper is best to use in an RV.  We even gave them the movie "RV" with Robin Williams to watch (as they had not seen it) and told them that we have made pretty much most of the same mistakes Robin Williams made in that movie with his RV.  

Lou and Carolyn from Cambria

Something Jerry and I discussed recently about the RV lifestyle is the different energy we experience on a daily basis from that of living in a brick and mortar house.  When we lived in a house, we didn't talk to other people unless we got into our car and went somewhere, or talked to people on the phone or neighbors next door.  With the RV, we can choose to go to a secluded place to be alone -- or, we can choose to go to an RV park where others are parked, also.  When in an RV park, people are all around and the energy is contagious.  The people are friendly, most accommodating, and generally in a good mood because they are not at work.  If you don't want to socialize, you always have the option of staying in your RV.

Last Sunday, we met with friends and relatives at the Moonstone Beach Bar and Grill in Cambria.  I have known Sandy since 1983 and it was good to see her and her family again.  Pat and Bill also joined us.

Pat, Larry (Sandy's husband), Sally (Sandy's sister), Tom (Sandy's brother-in-law), 
Jerry, me, Sandy and Bill

Here are just a couple of pictures of the ocean we took this week.

Fog coming in over the ocean.

Birds on the beach

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow Congrats to the whole RV Full-timing. We have been full timing since 2009 (2 yrs in April). We love it and like you we learned and still learning the do's and don'ts to RV way of living. You sound like wonderful adventure folks...


is our blogs. We so look forward in learning more about you and hearing about your adventures.

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