July 12, 2010

Lake Tahoe, California - July 12, 2010

This was another great week at Lake Tahoe.  Even though we don't tow a car at this time, we were able to take the trolley around part of the lake (with our cameras, of course), the bus to the casinos on another day, and ride our bikes nearly everywhere.  Here are some pictures we took while on our trolley ride:
Lake Tahoe and small island
Snow on mountain near Lake Tahoe
Another view of the Lake
This next story is for you, Pat, since you asked if we've seen any bears.  On Sunday morning, I looked out of the window to see a bear running as fast as he could down the pavement right in front of our RV.  Two camp hosts were chasing it with some type of "clickers."  The bear ran around our RV, and you could hear the little girls behind us scream.  It then ran up a tree where it stayed to over an hour as people gathered to watch.  Here are pictures that we took with our cameras.  Make sure you watch the video, too.
Bear in tree
Bear making his way down the tree
Bear now on ground in the park
Bear running back to the woods
We read that the California Game and Recreation gets 10 calls a day for bear sightings at West Lake Tahoe (where we were).  Here is the video of the bear's climb down the tree that is a little over a minute long:

Later, on Sunday, we biked over to a beautiful walking trail behind the airport and into the woods.  Here are some of the pictures we took while we were there.
Jerry taking pictures
Came across a stream
And people enjoying a lazy Sunday afternoon on the stream
Flowers in the forest
Not sure if this next picture will do justice to the experience, but here is the sky over Lake Tahoe at night.
Sky over Lake Tahoe at night
Got up this morning and drove over to Rescue, California, where we are spending the night with Shannon (our niece) and her family (Royce, Sierra and Chase).  Our RV is parked in front of their place.  We will leave here in the morning.

The Tahoe Valley Campground that we just left is a campground (as opposed to a motorhome park), perfect for tent camping, even though there were plenty of motorhomes, trailers and fifth wheelers thoughout the park.  It is a great way to enjoy nature, but not so kind on our RV.  The coach is filthy!  Right now Jerry is giving it a good wash down while I update this blog. 

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