July 27, 2010

Grants Pass, Oregon

It seems as if so much has happened since we last updated this blog.  First, we drove from Red Bluff, CA to Grants Pass, OR last Wednesday (July 21).  Linda (Jerry's sister) and her husband, Jamie, have lived there, on 14 acres "out in the country," for the last 30-plus years.  Their oldest son, Story, is getting married to Julie in September.  Here is a picture of Linda, Julie, Story and Jamie. 
Linda, Julie, Story and Jamie
And here is a picture of their daughter, Shea, and her friend, Brandon.
Shea and Brandon
Then, on July 22, I turned 70.  Linda, knowing my love for chocolate, got what was probably the best chocolate birthday cake I have ever had!  Try 7 layers, with chocolate mousse inbetween the cake layers, cream frosting and dark chocolate dripped over the top. 

Parked at Linda and Jamie's place
Grants Pass is really a beautiful place, but most days were a bit hot.  We were able to go biking one day.
Jerry and Chanti Biking

Barn in the country
Linda and Jamie's Wisteria Plant (Story and Julie will be gettting married in September under this plant.)
We ate well while we were in Grants Pass with Jerry and Linda/Jamie taking turns making the meals.
Then, on Monday, we spent the day at the Witham Truck Place in Medford (from 7:30 am to 6:30 pm) while they replaced an engine fan.  We thought that was the reason we were having trouble with the engine heating while climbing hills in this extreme heat.  And, the fan was definitely not working!

After leaving the Truck Place, we headed over to Rogue River, OR to spend one night at the Bridgeview RV Park. 

So this morning, we felt great and took our time making our way to our next stop, Crater Lake in Oregon.  But, oh no!  The RV engine started to heat up again -- and we had to stop numerous times to cool down the engine.   
At least we traveled a beautiful road and the scenery was beautiful.
What should have taken us an hour and a half took us three to four hours.  On top of that issue, we headed into a storm. 
And, if that wasn't enough, the temperature went from 98 degrees to 58 degrees and we were in hail.

Hail near Diamond Lake, Oregon
We made it, though, and are now at the Diamond Lake RV Park near Crater Lake, OR where we will be until next Tuesday (August 2).  Only now, we are having to deal with our first real bout of mosquitoes!  But, we do have our mosquito zappers!  And, we will think about our engine problem next Tuesday when we leave here.

1 comment:

Larry and Sharon said...

Hi Mary, Decided to see what you've been up to and your whereabouts...what an interesting post from you! Happy belated birthday, I must say rving certainly agrees with you...I'd never guessed your age! What lovely pics of Crater Lake and the countryside of Oregon. We can't wait to visit the area ourselves and what a storm you got caught in!!! Forty degrees is quite a temp variation and the hail! Glad you made it safely and here's wishing you the best with that engine problem. Take care, Sharon

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