Last week we were fortunate to have friends from Irvine drive over here to visit us for lunch. It was good catching up with John and Christine again.
Walking around Temecula near Pechanga we find a hugh park (3 soccer fields and 3 softball diamonds), along with other children and family things to do. They take sports seriously here.
Even mothers with their babies in strollers make time to gather in the park to exercise by running up and down the hills.
Then, on Saturday, our son and daughter (Shannon and Susan) and their families drove down from LA (about 1 1/2 hour away) to spend the afternoon.

Me with Susan (daughter)

Susan, Shannon (son) and Christian (grandson)
Raul (son-in-law) with his birthday cake.
Jerry BBQed ribs, chicken and tri-tip.
Shannon helping himself to the food.
Jerry was a bit careless, though, and cut his thigh with the Ulu knive he brought back from Alaska. After everyone left, he took a taxi to the nearest ER (in Murietta) where they stitched up the wound. It was a 5 hour ordeal; he got back to the RV at 3 a.m.
Susan brought us our mail that Pat sent to her to deliver to us. It included the book I had been waiting for from Annie Holmes. While he was gone, I had time to read the book (Skiff Song) which I finished just as Jerry arrived back to the RV. It is a wonderful read, especially for anyone interested in speed sailing or learning how to follow that small voice we each have in our head that tells us to take a different path.
Yesterday we biked 8 miles round trip to Staters Bros. to get fresh vegetables for the week. At some point, we will have to consider towing a car. Sure could have used it on Saturday night.