Finally, we actually have left our home and Cambria today -- after first having breakfast with Pat and Bill at the Creek Side Garden! (Couldn't leave without having the Garden's delicious apricot and cream cheese french toast.)
We can't believe that it took us 4 months to get the job done. Of course, the tree hitting the house did set us back a bit. The house went on the market today. We won't be back to it until we need to come back to clear out the remaining furniture that we left in place during the time it is on the market.

We thought that we would have just a little regret driving away from what has been our brick and mortar home for the last 11 years. But, and we discussed this again today, we have no regrets at all. In fact, we are very excited about all that the future holds. One of our realtors, Wendy, said: "but won't you regret leaving this beautiful view?" Our answer: "Yes, it is beautiful, but it is only one view." By moving around, we get to experience many different views, not to mention all the new people, places, and things that we will meet along the way.
Right now, we are spending two days in Paso Robles while we get the RV serviced. Then, it's on the road again.