June 18, 2016

Cold Spring, Minnesota

We stopped in Fargo for one night after leaving Minot and had breakfast with Sean, Rachelle, Danika and Daniel. A nice but too short of a visit. We will be back to see them at the end of our stay in the Cold Spring area.

Since our reservation at El Rancho Manana didn't start until June 10th, we stayed in front of Dave and Dorothy's garage in Rockville, Minnesota, for three nights. All the pictures posted on this entry are from our walks in the beautiful Eagle Park.,

We have been busy visiting with family members since we arrived. It is like we did in Minot. No obligation of "having to" visit anyone, but making time every few days to see someone. We are actually located 7 miles outside of Cold Spring.

Now for the bad news. Our second air condition (the one in the bedroom) went out. We can't get an appointment until July 29th to get it fixed. On top of that, our new air conditioner (the only one still working) is dripping water inside the roof of the motorhome. Jerry has been busy wiping it up. Since it is Saturday, there is no one to call.

Now, about the weather. It has been nothing but high temperatures, high humidity, and thunderstorms off and on since we got here. Right now it is 85 degrees. We can't believe how fast the weather can change from one minute to the next --- and how dark the skies can get when a thunderstorm is coming through.

Here are our pictures from Eagle Park. By the way, there was an eagle high up in one of the trees with her young ones.

The park has numerous species of plants and flowers that are all named on cards attached to the plant or flower area like the one above.

Tried to capture the dark skies as they moved in the other night. You can still see the blue skies in the distance.

Just to remind you, we are not posting pictures of family members though we are spending time with them. We save that for Facebook.

Continue to live the life you love.

1 comment:

Donna said...

What a neat blog! Love all the animal photos...
And the couple are too cute!
Happy travels...

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